Battles Ships: S&F Update 1.4.2

Hi there!

Added several changes:

* winning sound is played when you reach top4 -> previous only when you were top1

* small changes for power ups UI icons

* gameover scoreboard now displays scores for all ships

* REMOVER is now time debuff for 8s and ship can't use BOOSTER when debuff is on

* when BOOSTER buff is on REMOVER debuff can't be applied

* Score is changed into total gained chests (preparation for story to be added in future)

* Changed default UI buttons on keyboard to W, S, A, D, SPACE -> previously were arrows up / down / left / right, Enter

* Fixed bug: now ship1 shouldn't be overlaped by ship2 when ship1 is moving through ship2 and got hit by ram from ship2 (ship1 only gets debuff from ship2, but that ship2 can't move over ship1)

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